Hosting an ISTA Festival

We announced back in February that we will be hosting an ISTA High School Festival during the course of the next academic year. It is now confirmed that this festival will take place over the weekend of October 30th to November 1st 2015; please click here for details of the festival starting point.

This is very exciting: as the host school, we are allowed to have up to 40 Year 9-13 students taking part in the festival, while many others will be involved in the administration and event support. We will also be hosting approximately 100 students from schools around Asia – and perhaps further afield, too. You can keep track of which schools sign up via the ISTA website (the sign-up starts today).

We will be contacting parents in due course about how students can sign up to get involved, and will also be looking for host families to take in the students who visit from other schools.

Further details to follow…